Making a name change is a serious undertaking. It involves rebranding equipment, storefronts, products, websites, and office spaces. It takes time, employee hours, and cuts to normal operational profits. And above all else, it just costs money. So for any business to do this, there has got to be a pretty good reason.
The American Association of Museums (AAM) recently took this on, and although the change they made is slight, it packs a lot of meaning. The “Association” has been changed to the “Alliance,” now making it the American Alliance of Museums.
Elizabeth Merritt, founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums (CFM) said that the name change is “a reflection of a far deeper and far-reaching metamorphosis of what we hope to achieve and how we plan to accomplish it. We want to identify what we have in common, pool our collective wisdom and influence, and become a force big enough to shape the world.”
American museums contribute $21 billion to the American economy each year, and across the country, museums create 400,000 jobs. Here at LineLogic, we realize the importance of these institutions not only on our lives and culture, but on the way we do business in our industry.
For this very reason, we recently added a Museum Specialist to our staff, and we joined the alliance. Members from our team will be attending the AAM Annual Meeting and Museum Expo at the end of May, and we’re expecting to come out of it with a new knowledge and expertise that will shape the way we approach this market.
To get in touch with our Museum Specialist, Mr. Benjamin Lankes, see the contact information listed below:
Ben Lankes
Account Executive | Museum Specialist
1.888.404.7892 Ext. 404
1.716.860.8519 Mobile
1.716.362.0954 Fax