We’re proud to announce that we are one of few select vendors carrying the brand new Visiontron PRIME economy crowd control line. Visiontron Prime includes Retracta-Belt® PRIME stanchions, weatherproof outdoor stanchions, wall mounts, signage, and PRIME Conventional Post and ropes.
Visiontron President, Joseph Torsiello, stated that “Using our experience as a trusted manufacturer for nearly 50 years, we’ve analyzed design flaws of other similar products and corrected them to deliver a low-cost product line worthy of the Visiontron name.”
Each item in the PRIME line is economically priced, featuring advanced queueing technologies and high quality materials. In short, all Visiontron PRIME products are built to last.
Key features of the PRIME line include:
- A straighter post: a cement-filled base with EVERstraight PRIME Technology to keep stanchions straight, unlike other low-cost stanchions that lean over time or right out of the box
- A larger line: more accessories and upgrades than the competition, including a wider range of standard and custom finishes, belt end upgrades, and belt printing options.
- More value: more standard features than competitors’ posts, including longer belts and floor protectors
- A TRUE outdoor capable post: unlike others that call double powder-coating “weatherproof”
- Better warranty: backed with a three-year warranty from a company that’s been around for 50 years – where ‘customer service’ isn’t just a meaningless phrase
Check out the flier (pictured below) to learn more about the Retracta-Belt PRIME with EVERstraight technology. And for more about the rest of the line, keep checking the LineLogic blog, as we’ll be be posting about all of the PRIME products in coming weeks.
To learn more, explore the product line, or inquire about pricing, give us a call – 1.888.404.7892 x404. Just ask for Ben!